Our inspiration - tailored education for your child

The inspiration for this nursery was the experience of watching our own children grow up from a young age in Montessori preschools in London and Japan. We were able to observe how the fundamental honesty and sincerity of Maria Montessori's childcare approach transcended the hurdles of different cultures and languages to show that all children are deserving of the same respect and individual care that we give our own children. This realisation touched us deeply and we decided that it would be time to share some of the wonderful gifts that our experience with Montessori learning and life has given us. 

The children investigate

In a space flooded with natural light, next to our library, children can take a book and investigate it further along with materials from the classroom shelves. We especially encourage those children who cannot read yet to freely explore books and to feel comfortable and safe in their company. This is, we think, how to foster a lifelong love of books and reading, and the many wonderful worlds books open for the children. Children are free to borrow books from the library for up to three weeks at a time. Books are meant to be read, and ideas are meant to be shared! We encourage your child to borrow a book whenever they wish. 

Dollis Valley Greenwalk

Our back garden ... where we will be running forest school activities for the children. During the summer months we will bring the children here for picnic lunches in the sun. 

The Children's House

Our main hall is a mixed age classroom for children from 2.5 years to 5 years of age. This is a unique characteristic of the Montessori childcare method where the older children act as mentors for the younger ones. The open plan room is hosted by Montessori trained teachers in an environment especially prepared for this age group. There is immediate access to an outdoor space where the children can bring their work on sunny days. The children's regular attendance at the nursery lays the foundations for a small preschool community that, through working together as a group, will help them grow to their full potential.

The Infant Community

In a quiet nursery environment on the upper floor, overlooking the nearby brook side path, the room for the Infant Community (infants and toddlers from 1.5 years to 2.5-3 years) is a very special place, a home from home. Natural wooden Sensorial materials for the infants to work with create a warm, cozy atmosphere that young ones and adults alike love. On sunny days there is access to the outdoor space where the children can enjoy relaxing and playing on the grass.

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