Fridays are forest school days


Children need to move freely to be able to learn about the world, and to interact socially. Learning does not happen just within the four walls of the nursery. If we open our doors, the Dollis Valley Greenwalk is right outside, ready for our children to become immersed in nature and to learn about the outdoors. 


Starting in September, Friday mornings will be outdoor school mornings and all activities will take place outside at a different location along the Greenwalk. The mornings will follow our three principles of Space, Time and Nature.

Investigating nature

Space is the large open grassed areas on the sides of the Greenwalk, and the freedom of movement the children experience.

Time is the whole morning devoted to uninterrupted exploration of the many aspects of the Greenwalk and the babbling brook that runs alongside it.

And Nature is the diversity of trees, plants, fish and birds that we will see on our trip. The children will have simple identifier cards to help them recognise the different plants and animals that we look at on our walks.

Dollis Valley Greenwalk

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